В этом тесте вы сможете проверить, насколько хорошо вы знаете употребление косвенной речи.
Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
1. He says, “You are right.”
a) he says that I am right
b) he says which I right
c) he says I was right
d) he said I are right
2. She says to him, “I have a right to know.”
a) she tells him that she would have a right to know
b) she tell him she have a right to know
c) she says him she has a right to know
d) she tells him that she has a right to know
3. We said to them, “We have no money.”
a) we told them that we have no money
b) we told them that we had no money
c) we told them we have no money
d) we told to them that we had no money
4. He said, “I have changed my opinion.”
a) he said that he had changed his opinion
b) he said that he have changed his opinion
c) he said that he would have changed his opinion
d) he said that he changed his opinion
5. He said, “I will bring you a book tomorrow”.
a) he said that he would bring me a book the next day
b) he said that he will bring me a book the next day
c) he said that he brings me a book tomorrow
d) he said that he would bring me a book tomorrow
6. They said, “We were in the USA the day before yesterday”.
a) they said that they had been in the USA two days after
b) they said that they had been in the USA the days before yesterday
c) they said that they have been in the USA two days before
d) they said that they had been in the USA two days before
7. He asked her, “Do you speak English?”
a) he asked her if she have spoke English
b) he asked her if she speaks English
c) he asked her if she had spoke English
d) he asked her if she spoke English
8. I asked them, “Have you been to Africa?”
a) I asked them whether they had been to Africa
b) I asked them whether they have been to Africa
c) I asked them whether they were to Africa
d) I asked them whether they would be to Africa
9. He asked us, “What are your names?”
a) he asked us our names what were
b) he asked our what names are
c) he asked us what our names are
d) he asked us what our names were
10. She said to me, “Don’t talk to me”.
a) she told me not to talk to her
b) she told me to not talk to her
c) she told me not to talk to me
d) she told me do not to talk to her
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. d
8. a
9. d
10. a
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почему в первом предложении he says (настоящее время), разве he said должно быть ?
Разве в первом не пункт "c" верный?
Нет, в первом вопросе правильный ответ "а". Если в главном предложении глагол стоит во времени Present Simple/Present Perfect/Future Simple, то при переводе в косвенную речь в придаточном предложении глагол остается в том же времени, в каком он был в прямой речи. В нашем случае в главном предложении (he says) глагол стоит во времени Present Simple, поэтому изменений не будет.
Объясните пожалуйста, почему во втором предложении tells, просто непонятно откуда..?
Ниже приведено правило из учебника Практическая грамматика английского языка (том 2) - Качалова К.Н., Изралиевич Е.Е, страница 56, пункт 2.
Если в словах, вводящих прямую речь, употреблен глагол TO SAY без дополнения, обозначающего лицо, к которому обращаются с речью, то TO SAY сохраняется. Если же после TO SAY имеется такое дополнение, то TO SAY заменяется глаголом TO TELL.
В нашем случае:
She says to him, “I have a right to know.” (после says следует дополнение, к которому обращаются с речью - to him). Следовательно, say заменяем на tell.
She tells him that she has a right to know.
Здраствуйте почему в 3 вопросе We have no moneу меняется на had no money. Здесь разве не Present Simple?
В косвенной речи всегда нужно обращать внимание на согласование времен. Если слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени (said), то и слова прямой речи при переводе в косвенную будут принимать прошедшее время (в нашем случае по правилу согласования времен Present Simple переходит в Past Simple).
В прямой и косвенной речи глагол в главном предложении может стоять в разных временах, в том числе в Present Simple.