В данном тесте вы сможете проверить свои знания по теме Условные предложения в английском языке. Вопросы теста составлены по трем типам условных предложений. Первые 5 вопросов - первый тип, вторые 5 вопросов - второй тип, третьи 5 вопросов - третий тип.

1. If I ___ my entrance exams I ___ the happiest man in the world.

A) shall pass / would be
B) passed / am
C) passed / would have been 
D) will pass / be
E) pass / shall be

2. What ___ you ___ if the train ___ in time?

A) will be / doing / come
B) did / will not come
C) do / didn’t / come 
D) have / done / came
E) will / do / doesn’t come

3. If you ___ tickets we ___ Paris.

A) will buy / shall visit
B) bought / visit
C) buys / visited 
D) were buying / should visit
E) buy / shall visit

4. If you are free, watch the film they ___ on TV.

A) shows
B) showed
C) are showing 
D) had showed
E) have showed

5. If my friend ___ to our town next year I ___ him the sights of the city.

A) shall come / show
B) comes / shall show
C) has come / is showing 
D) is coming / will show
E) come / shows

6. If he ___ in Tokyo he ___ us.

A) was / will visit
B) were / would visit
C) will be / will visit 
D) is / would visit
E) are / will visit

7. What would you do if a millionaire ___ you a lot of money.

A) gave
B) give
C) will give 
D) giving
E) gives

8. If I ___ the car myself I ___ you use it.

A) needed / would let
B) don’t need / would let
C) didn’t need / wouldn’t let
D) didn’t need / would let
E) doesn’t need / would let

9. If I ___ you I ___ never her.

A) am / shall forgive
B) was / don’t forgive
C) were / would forgive
D) had been / forgave
E) shall be / would have forgiven

10. Many people would be out of work if that factory ___ down.

A) had been closed
B) were closed
C) was closing 
D) is closed
E) will be closed

11. The boy ___ at home an hour before, if he ___ his school at one o’clock last Monday.

A) would be / had left
B) was / would leave
C) had been / had left
D) has been / left
E) would have been / had left

12. If you ___ him yesterday he ___ you everything.

A) asked / told
B) has asked / will tell
C) asked / would tell
D) had asked / would have told
E) would ask / would have told

13. If you ___ to me yesterday, we ___ this article.

A) came / shall translate
B) would come / should translate
C) had come / should have translated
D) come / having translated
E) were coming / should be translating

14. She ___ if she ___ that she was ill.

A) won’t go out / knows
B) didn’t go out / knew
C) hasn’t gone out / has known
D) wouldn’t have gone out / had known
E) doesn’t go out / knows

15. “I ___ my work if you___ me then. Thank you.”

A) shan’t finish / don’t help.
B) haven’t finished / don’t help.
C) shouldn’t have finished / hadn’t helped.
D) don’t finish / won’t help.
E) didn’t finish / helped.


1 – E, 2 – E, 3 – E, 4 – C, 5 – B, 6 – B, 7 – A, 8 – D, 9 – C, 10 – B, 11 – E, 12 – D, 13 – C, 14 – D, 15 – C. 

Источник: Atalay Oguz «TEST MASTER» – Baskent Education Publication


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Почему в ответе на вопрос 10 правильный вариант В? Ведь слово "фабрика - factory" в предложении стоит в единственном числе. А ответ "were closed" указывает на множественное число, т.е." factory were closed". Несостыковка - по видимому, вообще нет правильного ответа.


В 10 вопросе правильный вариант - B. В условных предложениях после if глагол стоит в сослагательном наклонении (к которому и относится форма were).
Об этом можно прочитать в учебнике Practical English Usage Third Edition (Michael Swan) 2005 в параграфе 258, пункт 4 (стр. 235): We often use were instead of was after if. This is common in both formal and informal styles. In a formal style were is more common than was, and many people consider it more correct, especially in American Enlgish.

Пример (взят из вышеназванного учебника): If my nose were a little shorter I'd be quite pretty.


Непонятен смысл ответа на вопрос 15 - I shouldn’t have finished my work if you hadn’t helped me then. Наверняка вместо should должен быть глагол would, тогда будет понятно: я бы не закончил свою работу, если бы вы мне тогда не помогли. Такая же ошибка, похоже, и в ответе 13, где вместо would указан should.


Что касается вопросов 13 и 15, то варианты ответов C и C также являются правильными. В условных предложениях после местоимений 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа допускается употребление should.

Это правило описано в учебнике Practical English Usage Third Edition (Michael Swan) 2005 в параграфе 258, пункт 3 (стр. 235): After I and we, should can be used with the same meaning as would. (Would is more common in modern English; should is rare in AmE).

Пример (взят из вышеназванного учебника): If I knew her name, I should tell you.